2009-12-20 11:02:33 UTC
Multiculturalism is a head-on challenge above all to the notion that there is an American culture, and, that this culture is superior to all other cultures in precisely the ambition to be inclusive and equal, and that, consequently, this culture is the very crucible of America's future and its multi-ethnic success.
Multiculturalism is the place the Left went to lick its wounds when the '60s was over, and to carry on its malevolent agendas. The question radicals faced at the time was: How to continue the war against the evil empire -- America -- now that socialism was indisputably bankrupt. You do it the Gramscian way -- Antonio Gramsci being one of the many many disreputable Communists (and not a few disreputable Nazis) who have been enshrined as intellectual icons by the academic Left. Gramsci's addition to Marxist theory was to suggest that by seizing control of the culture you could extend that control to the rest of the social order as well. Never mind that the notion that the ruling ideas may not be the ideas of the ruling class destroys the entire edifice of Marxist theory. Logic was never a strong point of the Left. The real beauty of Gramsci's strategy is that it lets you forget about economics (which you never understood anyway) and about the colossal failure, the pure evil of actual socialist achievements, while continuing your adolescent hatred for America and its immense good works".
- Repentent former radical Leftist David Horowitz